Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here are some of the answrs to some of the questions i asked yesterday...

"who is "j"? xDwho'd he call hispanic trash?

because once you see a guy, you're like obsessed with him to the point where we get tired of hearing
his name. then when someone else finds out, instead of acting all embarassed, you (in essence i guess) go up to him and say OMG DO YOU LIKE ME CUZ I LIKE YOU AND I REAAAAAAAAAAALLY WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU CUZ YOU'RE JUST SO AWESOME.

you asked.

E and A did what you would do if you were in their situation. plus when the dude hears the final copy, he'll say automatically no. believe me. xD

whatever cellulite is, you shouldn't care. you're just used to being superskinny from your stomach problem. you're fine.

"J" is a kid that I haven't spoken to in years. End of story.

Thankz for telling me the truth *hugz*

Cellulite is body fat. I have too much!

"I wish you could have come and at least TRIED to control them. I'm really starting to not like either of them.I just wanna punch erin in the face. marissa too. but if i had a choice, i would punch erin first."

I with I could have been there too.

For all ya'll guys out there I asked Leah today if Erin hates me. Leah said that Erin thinks that I am a crazy werido so she hates me. Marissa agrees with everything Erin does when they are together. So even though Marissa and I are BFF's she hates me when they hang out. So they didn't invite me cuz they hate me.

Just for the record they made Leah pay for all the clothes they made her get! That is assinine! It is like $20 a shirt!!


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